Museum for Contemporary art Roskilde presents first solo-exhibition in Northern Europe by Apparatus 22 – a group of daydreamers and failed futurists.
An Exhibition Blooming With the City
The Museum of Contemporary Art Roskilde proudly presents the first solo exhibition in the Nordics by the renowned artist collective Apparatus 22, featuring mythic train rides and intimate listening sessions hosted in private homes.
Since 2021, the Museum of Contemporary Art Roskilde has established itself as Denmark’s only museum without a permanent exhibition space, exploring new ways of presenting contemporary art. Through its nomadic approach, the museum has brought perspectives on contemporary currents to life in exciting and experimental settings. The upcoming exhibition is no exception. With Civis Bloomcraft, the museum continues to challenge traditional exhibition formats, exploring how local relationships can flourish and nurture the growth of an exhibition. With humor, curiosity, and a touch of mystery, Apparatus 22 delves into Roskilde’s culture, community, and identity as a city.
An exhibition space of experimentation
Civis Bloomcraft is not only the title of this year’s solo exhibition by Apparatus 22 in Roskilde. It is also an exhibition protocol created by the artist collective to shape a series of long-term, tentacular solo exhibitions at the museum. The museum has acquired this protocol for its collection, committing to realizing a new unique solo exhibition every three years within this conceptual framework, unfolding across the city as a transformative act of citizenship.
This conceptual acquisition underscores the museum’s experimental approach to social and local engagement, as well as exhibition formats. The initiative aims to foster deeper connections with a broad spectrum of communities in the city and to create memorable encounters with art. The exhibition unfolds in three acts, beginning with a massive confetti celebration, followed by interactive installations in schools, train stations, and perhaps even your own living room.
“The museum has always supported experimental art and tested new artistic formats. With Apparatus 22 and Civis Bloomcraft, we continue this commitment, giving us the opportunity to redefine what an exhibition can be. The artists challenge us to think differently, not only about how an exhibition is created but also about how we engage with local roots and visions for the future,” says the museum’s director Christian Skovbjerg Jensen.
Apparatus 22
The artist collective describes itself as a group of dreamers, poetic activists, and (failed) futurists, comprising Maria Farcas, Dragos Olea, Erika Olea, and Ioana Nemes (1979-2011). They are based in Bucharest, Brussels, and Suprainfinit, a utopian universe. For Apparatus 22 everything is up for negotiation and reinterpretation, experimenting with both form and content. Their works span from installations to performances, and texts. Time and space are reimagined and reassembled as the entire city of Roskilde becomes a stage for this exhibition, with works presented across public and private spaces throughout the spring.
“Apparatus 22 is a truly unique artist collective, and we are thrilled to bring them to Roskilde for this major exhibition. Their works forge connections with people, and with love for daydreaming they reveal alternative ways of being in the world and celebrating everyday magic” says Lotte Løvholm, curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art Roskilde.
Exhibition Period
Act 1: January 31 – March 22
Act 2: March 23 – April 3
Akc 3: May 14 – June 10
More information to come