Live paneldebat fra New York: Curators at Work: Curating beyond Institutional Walls
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Se med online, når museets udsendte kurator, Ida Schyum, deltager i paneldebatten Curators at Work: Curating beyond Institutional Walls i forlængelse af sit ophold i New York som en del af kurator-programmet The International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP).
Paneldebatten udfolder potentialet i at kuratere udstillinger uden for de institutionelle rammer og stiller skarpt på etiske spørgsmål om, hvor, for hvem og hvordan kunstinstitutioner bør operere i dag.
Panelet består – foruden Ida Schyum – af kurator in residence på ISCP, Håkon Lillegraven, Alison Burstein, kurator,The Kitchen, New York; Prerana Reddy, Arts & Community Fellow, Recess Art, New York og Ian Wallace, kuratorassistent, New Museum, New York, der hver især bringer deres egne erfaringer med kuratering uden for de faste rammer i spil.
Som kurator på Museet for Samtidskunst præsenterer Ida Schyum museets overvejelser bag beslutningen om at rykke ud af den faste bygning. Håkon Lillegraven fortæller om sin erfaring som kurator inden for tværfaglige offentlige programmer både som uafhængig kurator og for institutioner, offentlige rum samt nomadiske og digitale platforme.
Alison Burstein og Ian Wallace diskuterer udfordringerne og løfterne forbundet med at arbejde uden for de institutionelle rammer, mens Prerana Reddy drøfter alternative former for offentligt engagement uden for museumsbygningen
Paneldebatten finder sted på tirsdag d. 24. oktober kl. 6-8 PM (24-02 dansk tid) i New York, (1040 Metropolitan Avenue) men du kan se med live hjemmefra via ISCP’s Instragramprofil @iscp_nyc.
Det kræver ingen tilmelding at være med.
Foto: Installationsbillede, Jacolby Satterwhite, A Feeling of Healing, Museet for Samtidskunst/Museum of Contemporary Art, Roskilde, Denmark, 2022. Foto af David Stjernholm
Documentation, Mette Edvardsen, En lys sommers usigelige smerte, performance, The Vigeland Park/The Vigeland Museum, Oslo, Norway, 2022. Photo: Jannik Abel
// UK-version
For this Curators at Work ISCP curators-in-residence Ida Schyum and Håkon Lillegraven will be joined by Alison Burstein, Curator, The Kitchen, New York; Prerana Reddy, Arts & Community Fellow, Recess Art, New York;and Ian Wallace, Curatorial Assistant, New Museum, New York.They will discuss the potential of curating and programming beyond institutional walls and dedicated exhibition spaces, exchanging perspectives on how curating beyond institutional boundaries engages new audiences and encourages a more varied art environment.
Their conversation will explore art institutions’ rising interest in operating beyond their traditional exhibition spaces, leading to important issues and ethical considerations about where, for whom, and how art institutions should operate today.
Operating as a curator at the nomadic Museum of Contemporary Art in Denmark, Ida Schyum will present the museum’s considerations behind moving out of its traditional building in order to engage new audience groups and care for art practices situated beyond the white cube.
Håkon Lillegraven will speak about his experience as a curator of interdisciplinary public programs as both an independent curator and for institutions, public space, and nomadic and digital platforms.
Alison Burstein and Ian Wallace will talk about the challenges and promises of working outside their institutional facilities, while Prerana Reddy will discuss alternative forms of public engagement in nontraditional viewing conditions.
The event takes place on Tuesday, October 24th, from 6-8 PM ( 24-02 GMT+3) at N, 1040 Metropolitan Avenue, but you can watch it live from home via ISCP’s Instagram profile @iscp_nyc. No registration is required to participate.